Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Learned at Narconon that I Have Confidence in Myself

I came to Narconon in a state similar to everyone else that enters a drug rehab, desperate for help from being broken down by self-inflicted actions. I was unable to deal with life. Getting high was my number one priority. I had a life that appeared great outside using drugs but I was not progressing and every aspect of it was deteriorating. I had no idea how to get back on track. I tried everything available with no success until I came to Narconon.

Although at first I was very skeptical, I didn't believe the program was going to work for me. I even contemplated leaving to go get high. Thanks to the staff and students that convinced me to stay a little bit longer.

I began to feel myself changing into a new person. That no longer relied on substance abuse as a means of survival. The information that I learned at Narconon was really working for me. It helped me find who I am and what my purpose in life is.

After leaving Narconon I have been able to face life and enjoy every minute of it. Since I ahve a passion for fitness and health I got a job at a gym, where I will become a personal trainer. This will allow me to make enough money to go back to school and work towards a degree in sports medicine.

I learned at Narconon that I have confidence in myself, a new-found method of working life in order to be as successful as possible. I have found new sober friends that are good for my recovery, my relationship with my mom is better than ever and I am happier and healthier than I ever have been in my life.

I owe it all to the Narconon program and the Narconon staff. To be a successful student of Narconon I believe you need to be open minded to the program, be willing to take what it has to offer and apply it to your life, have the deep desire to want to be a new person and nothing can stop you!

- C.B.

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