Thursday, February 25, 2010

I am Very Thankful That I Came To Narconon

Narconon helped me get my life back on track. The reason I came to Narconon was because my parents knew that I was on a very destructive path and they had been desperately searching for a place that could help me learn to live my life without drugs and the deep depression I had each day. I will never forget the day that I called my dad and told him that I have had enough of the life that I was living and did not want to continue destroying my life and pushing away people I loved. I had been doing drugs for 10 years and this would be my second time asking my dad to help me go to rehab. He didn't even hesitate. He said that he had found this place on the internet and that it dealt with the things I had going on in my life. The extreme depression and the drugs had brought me to my lowest point. I left the next day after talking to my dad. I was on a plane to Narconon.

I didn't know what to expect, but as soon as I got to the baggage claim, the Narconon driver was there. He greeted me warmly and drove me to Narconon. Right away I knew this place was different. The moment I walked in the door I saw the other students that were there. They were happy and holding their heads up. The staff was warm and friendly and were always there, even on breaks. I never wanted to be here, but after a week I knew it was the place that would save me. I made the best friends I have ever had there, people that like me for who I am not for what I have.

I made it through the program and it was hard. I am glad it was because if it felt easy, I never would have tried. I went home after graduation and got to see my son. I had not seen him in 5 months and I was so happy that I cried. He even called me daddy. I think that was my biggest win from coming to Narconon. My mind is finally clear enough to care and love. I found myself and I know who I am. I am a father, brother, son, and grandson. I am a person again and I enjoy life. I am finally happy. -DL

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Learned at Narconon that I Have Confidence in Myself

I came to Narconon in a state similar to everyone else that enters a drug rehab, desperate for help from being broken down by self-inflicted actions. I was unable to deal with life. Getting high was my number one priority. I had a life that appeared great outside using drugs but I was not progressing and every aspect of it was deteriorating. I had no idea how to get back on track. I tried everything available with no success until I came to Narconon.

Although at first I was very skeptical, I didn't believe the program was going to work for me. I even contemplated leaving to go get high. Thanks to the staff and students that convinced me to stay a little bit longer.

I began to feel myself changing into a new person. That no longer relied on substance abuse as a means of survival. The information that I learned at Narconon was really working for me. It helped me find who I am and what my purpose in life is.

After leaving Narconon I have been able to face life and enjoy every minute of it. Since I ahve a passion for fitness and health I got a job at a gym, where I will become a personal trainer. This will allow me to make enough money to go back to school and work towards a degree in sports medicine.

I learned at Narconon that I have confidence in myself, a new-found method of working life in order to be as successful as possible. I have found new sober friends that are good for my recovery, my relationship with my mom is better than ever and I am happier and healthier than I ever have been in my life.

I owe it all to the Narconon program and the Narconon staff. To be a successful student of Narconon I believe you need to be open minded to the program, be willing to take what it has to offer and apply it to your life, have the deep desire to want to be a new person and nothing can stop you!

- C.B.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Five Years After Narconon

In December of 2000, an innocent 15 year old girl was introduced to her best friend. That innocent girl was me, and that best friend was crystal meth. Little did I know at the time, that my life would spin into a downward spiral, and that I had opened a door that lead to lies, pain and deceit.

I became addicted to meth. I spent the next four years of my life enslaved to this drug. Every move I made, every lie I spoke and every breath I took revolved around satisfying the intense urge tht brewed inside of me. That once innocent girl I was, turned into a beast that would lie to, hurt, steal from, cheat on and manipulated those who loved me most just to succeed in getting that "fix" I so longed for.

In October of 2004 everything seemed to have caved in on me. I had been cut off from my family, I was homeless, I had been in and out of six rehabs, and worst of all I completely let myself down. I had gone against every ounce of ethics I had, I had destroyed my morals and my body itself was deteriorating before my very eyes...and I was only 19 years old. It was time to get help.

With the help of my family I was brought to Narconon. Although I was ready to leave my old life behind, I was apprehensive. I didn't know how this rehab would be any different. I didn't know how this rehab would save me, when all the others have failed. I had so many questions that only time would answer. And, I got my answers.

This program gave me my life back, and much, much more. I learned so much about myself throughout my journey at Narconon. It was the first time I was presented with logical information that would guide me, step by step, to a clean and sober life. I was able to identify thee problems in my life that may have contributed to my drug use. I was able to confront situations I had been hiding from for so long. I learned exactly what I needed to do in order to be habby and prosperous in life. I was supplied with information that was easy for me to relate to my life. For the first time in years I felt truly satisfied with my life, and the void I so desperately tried to fill by using was slowly starting to fill up.

I graduated Narconon in January of 2005. The day I graduated, I knew I had my life back. It was a new beginning for me, and I knew exactly what I needed to do to continue progressing in life, thants to the simple tools I got form Narconon.

Here I am, five years later sharing my success story. My life couldn't be better now. I have everything I could ever want, and most importantly I am free from the struggles of drug addiction. I have an amazing job and I am able to touch lives, the way mine was touched, instill hope in people who are in the positiion I was once in. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for what I have achieved since the day I first stepped foot at Narconon.

I am finally happy, I am finally free.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More than a Decade of Sobriety thanks to Narconon

Dear Narconon,

I am writing in because I wanted to express my sincere thanks and gratitude for you and your staff helping me to become sober. I have been completely clean for over a decade now, and while I don't constantly think about it because it's no longer an issue for me, every time I see news stories about people continually relapsing I wish I could tell them that they have a better chance at making it by going to a Narconon program.

When I went to the Narconon center I was in my early 20's and I thought I knew everything. Like most other people at the program needed help, I was difficult and tried to get out of facing the truth. I tried convincing my parents that there was something wrong with the place and that I had 'learned my lesson' and wouldn't do that anymore, etc. But thankfully the staff stuck with me and convinced me to stay and for my parents to try and weed through what was real and what was just an escape maneuver.

I remember thinking that 3 months or more was like the end of the world, and that I would miss out on so much! But in actuality, I grew up more during those 3 months than I did my entire high school and college careers, and learned more about life in the process! For me, Narconon was and is so much more than a rehabilitation program - it's about helping people to get a good, clean foundation to start from and then providing tools and guidance for them to achieve whatever they truly want in life by making good decisions.

And, while the suana detox program at Narconon was absolutely amazing, what really stuck with me most was how honesty and doing the right thing, though sometimes difficult, will be much more rewarding in the end. I also learned ways that I could always better my condition in any area of life, which has helped trememdously.

So, for anyone out there having second thoughts about going to Narconon for any reason, all I can say is that there are no other rehabs in the country that offer as much for you as an individual thant the Narconon program.

