Sunday, January 17, 2010

Narconon Helped Me Feel Safe and Hopeful

I have misused and abused medications for most of my adult life. I began using meth when I was in my forties. My habit soon escalated to a full-blown addiction. My health began to fail over the next several years; my lower legs and ankles had turned a purple-ish green and I could barely walk anymore.

My husband and three teenage daughters never imagined that the real reasons for my constant illnesses and strange behavior was drug addiction. I was living a lie, and my whole family suffered mentally, physically and emotionally. My life was crumbling down around me, and I knew that if I didn't get help I would die. I wanted to be able to be there for my family, but I realized that I needed to get help first.

Meanwhile, my eldest daughter was admitted to a behavioral hospital and while visiting her one day, I came across a Narconon brochure. After a few days of researching all available programs I discovered that Narconon had the highest rate of recovery in the nation, and felt that their program would best help me understand the root cause of my addiction. I also liked the fact that Narconon didn't consider addiction to be a disease, but something that could be overcome. I made the decision to give it a try and enrolled as a student at their facility.

From the moment I arrived I felt safe and hopeful. The program was very helpful and the compassion and hard work of the staff were beyond my expectations. It felt like I was learning to live again. I feld at home at Narconon, and soon felt better than I had for the past 30 years. The program wasn't easy, it was hard work, but I knew I was doing the right thing for myself and it was a whole lot better than being out there using and worrying if I would die each day. I returned home, armed with a new outlook on life, a fresh start and hope for my future.

I've been completely sober for 14 months. I am living well and enjoying even the smallest things in life. I am still working to rebuild the trust of my family and put my life back together, but every day is a blessing and I am happy to be working through it. my husband has his wife back, and my children have their mom back. I share everything I learned from Narconon with my family. The best part is that I do not feel I live with the burden of a disease or even that I may relapse someday. I am forever grateful to the Narconon staff and program. It really did save my life and has helped me find success and happiness again.

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